
Walkman Project Music Pieces

While the advertising world has been busy debating whether the latest Sony Bravia spot, featuring those lovable Play-doh bunnies, is or isn’t a rip-off of Kozyndan’s art, Fallon in London has slipped out another spot for Sony online, this time for the brand’s new Walkman digital media player.

The spot, entitled Music Pieces, was created by Sam Akesson and Tomas Mankovsky and sports the tag “Music like no other”. Directed by Nick Gordon, it shows 128 musicians gathered in Alexandra Palace Theatre in London, with each one given just one note to play from a piece of original music composed for the ad by Peter Raeburn. Featured in the spot are 32 electric guitars and 32 drums among the many other instruments.

A behind-the-scenes film (what Sony advert is complete without one these days) reveals that rather than chaos reining, the gathering, which took place over three days, has more of the feel of an old-fashioned orchestra camp, with everyone patiently awaiting their turn. The final spot, and background films, can be viewed at www.walkmanproject.com.

via the CRblog

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