
Joanna Newsom, Ys (2006)

There is no getting around the fact that Joanna Newsom is an enormously hard sell. Even in a climate in which a major label has given a contract to the Horrors - a band, lest we forget, who appear to have based their sound and their image almost entirely on that of the Savages, the dimly-remembered 1960s rock band fronted by erstwhile Monster Raving Loony Party leader Screaming Lord Sutch - it's hard to imagine Newsom getting further than most record company's receptions. Here is a 24-year-old Californian singing harpist, who wears her hair in braids, seems to have a thing about depicting herself as a medieval wench on her record sleeves and recently claimed her big influence was bassoon-heavy communist prog rock band Henry Cow, famed for decorating their album covers with paintings of socks.

Ys is full of moments like that: magical for reasons you can't quite put your finger on. Within minutes of it starting, you're struck by the rare sensation that you've entering uncharted, original territory. A hard sell, perhaps, but it could be the best musical investment you make all year.



hellopanos said...

agaphsame to prwto ths album (me+apondar) kai twra brhka to deytero ths.
mia paneksypnh arpistria se poly oneirika taksidia.

mao tse tung said...

xmm extremely interesting (thank god there is apondar who saved my brother from the precipices of psy..)

mao tse tung said...

i view u

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