
eortos to anagnosma

play it again and again


hellopanos said...

thanx for this.
apo thn allh pote mou den sympathisa thn strofh twn archive kai paramenw fanatikos tou prwtou tous album, londinium.
an mporesei kapoios anthrwpos as to anevasei ayto gia na ksanathimithoume ta palia.


mao tse tung said...

.....an akouges pink floyd mikros otan sou to lega tora den tha leges tetoies xazomares neare. alla epeidi agapame th neolaia kai zoume konta tis, katitis tha kanoume fanatike aderfe ;)

missmurple said...

THIS is the "great album like no other".

i heart youalllookthesametome :)

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