


" The flaw is our plan"

quetempo is a receiver/broadcaster of sounds/ideas/vision/social narratives.It is a free association of individuals/units/collaborators/instantaneous devices.
(A multitude of frequencies/of non- centralized and autonomous departments)

We use each technological advance in sonics and optics in an anti-scientific manner/progress is achieved thru the destruction of its own tools of development/ the history of progress is generated from the history of its failures and not its successes.
Less market production/unique under-development/immediate access/: Using any means at its disposal (, by any means possible): cd/dvd/vinyl/print/new media/live situations.
Movements develop, ..The movement.. is static. quetempo is not a movement-it is its disparate parts: it is a multitude of singularities and subjectivities constantly moving.

Direct confrotation between broadcaster and receiver/between player and listener/between the stage and the audience. Point zero/white, empty page/ clean slate.
Each project is designed to be immediate and yet incomplete. It is only completed once it has been listened to/looked at/experienced.

The methodology of chance/non-rational thought patterns developed thru streams of consciousness/random structures built on shifting terrain-created to dissolve(implode)

quetempo plans the flaw

A hypothesis of an ill-logical, non-orderly and aesthetically inconsistent relationship of it..s parts.
Listens/looks/guesses/moves/breathes/ changes



+ youtube :

jailhouse blues
no mo' freedom


hellopanos said...

intresting links. thanx!

mao tse tung said...

yeah right!

hellopanos said...

f**king bots..

missmurple said...

φακινγκ γκουντ!

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