
music for lucid murples

Tago Mago, released in 1971 (originally as a double LP), was the third album by the krautrock band Can and the second to feature the vocals of Damo Suzuki. The name comes from a large rock formation off the coast of Ibiza that figures in the legend of Aleister Crowley. Tago Mago is generally considered the band's greatest album: it is groundbreaking, influential and deeply unconventional, based on intensely rhythmic jazz-inspired drumming, improvised guitar and keyboard soloing (frequently intertwining each other), tape edits, and Suzuki's idiosyncratic vocalisms. The album was recorded by Holger Czukay at Inner Space Studio, a converted movie theater near Cologne.


hellopanos said...

fenetai ultra intresting! thanx!

mao tse tung said...

ultra interesting eisai kai fainesai. btw einai stathmos stin istoria tou rock bro..

hellopanos said...

rock is dead, by the way :pp

mao tse tung said...

..gia timoria tha se kleiso mia edvomada ston idioxwromew tin murple me akoustika sto kefali na akous apo pre-rock os post-rock mexri na tragoudiseis olo to youalllookthesametome anapoda!

hellopanos said...

kai egw meta tha sas balw mazi se ena dwmatio me full on weird sick and twisted experimental deconstruction of electronica from the masters like Aphex Twin, Squarepusher kai for a bit more paranoia Venetian Snares ...
going mental, I tell you!

mao tse tung said...

xa! ma emeis ta akoume ayta neare! katitis allo exeis na mas taiseis??

hellopanos said...

don't get me started on some good skandinavic psy trance :)

mao tse tung said...

..ekei tin gamisaman.. ante epeidi tin agapo tha rtho monos mou na to antexo touto to pikron potirion ...

missmurple said...

psy trance?! such as juno reactor, psydrop, son kite, purple passion, beat bizarre, oforia, blue planet corporation etc ? an nai, den masame! ( tha paw egw mwro mou. ta exw akousei sto parelthon ol ayta. vemceremos! )

missmurple said...

ksexasa na anaferw tous megalous infected mushroom, tous Keepers of Freakuencies, Miika etc.

+ HBR1 - I.D.M. Tranceponder : http://radio.hbr1.com:19700 sto winamp

++ www.pulseradio.net : tune in

psytrance isn't that bad...apla den einai mousiki!


hellopanos said...

mpravo murple paidi mou. tha kanoume super party.
miso na kseskonisw ta psyxedelika mou kommatia giati ta eixa kanei ban..

an kai anefera thn skandinabia opote you should be expecting a bit more from what you've heard already ~:)

back to Mad from masters Texas Faggott !

mao tse tung said...

..ante na feygoume kai meis siga-siga...

missmurple said...

eyxaristw mono paidi mou. kai twra meleti :






ayto einai mousiki! kai aytoi einai mousikoi.

( agapi,etsi fevgeis? den tha me pareis mazi sou? )

hellopanos said...

eixa katevasei ena super extra large torrent me 60+ albums twn floyd gia enan filo. dystyxws den prolabe pote tou na to parei mias kai o sklyros opws ksanaeipa mas afhse.
nomizw oti eixe ta panta apo bootleg mexri official releases kai poly spania pragmatakia.
I guess ta perissotera einai eykolo na ta breis trigyrw. krima pantws giati tha htane poly oraio dwraki kai htane ola me hmeromhnies, details, info, links ktl ktl ktl..

egw zhthsa na parw ena viniliaki floyd apo ellada tou big brother alla aytos den me afhse. katalabes ktitikothta? opote kai egw den ksanakouw floyd mexri na mou kanei dwro :)

ante nomizw oti tous priksame olous me ta mousika mas kollimata.

missmurple said...

siga poy toys priksame...kai siga ta kollimata.

kai poy to vrikes eipame ayto to torrent?

kai den mou les, mipws tha eprepe na to katevaseis pali?
ton filo sou skepsou diladis...

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