
"Le Building"

"Le Building" is a short film made by a team of 5 french students from the animation school "the Gobelins" in Paris FRANCE.
It was made as an opening short done for the Annecy 2005 international animation festival.
The idea is simple : a grand mother wants her neighbour to stop singing so loud. But events happen through a crazy chain reaction, for your viewing pleasure :)
The movie was completed in 4 months and a half ( including screenplay, storyboards and designs ). The technique is a mix between traditionnal 2d, flash, and 3d animation. As there are several techniques used in this film, the challenge was to blend them so that you won't notice it too much. For example the Pizza guy, his bike, the bus, and the crane are in 3D, and the cat is animated using Flash.
Enjoy ;)



hellopanos said...

thanx! :)

missmurple said...

bravo monospace paidi mou :P
egw thanx !

mamute said...

ouaou! you rule monospace!
ayto prolaba na to dw... ta alla ta krataw gia to weekend -am sure they are great too.
[french forever] ;)

hellopanos said...

credit to murple jane for this one :))

schottkey said...

Πολύ ωραίο blog.
Θενξ και για το short film, μιςς Μαρπλ, ο Πουαρό σας ευχαριστεί :))

mamute said...

12 points for murplej@ne then ;)

missmurple said...

mamute,thank you dear . you made me blush by the way :)

εγω, με τη σειρα μου , ευχαριστω εσας αγαπητε κυριε Πουαρό!

σας ευχαριστω όλους . και σας αγαπω !

mao tse tung said...

purple rain

missmurple said...

κυρίως εσένα...

mao tse tung said...

...cant help but singing it eorta...

πατρίδα θρησκεία σουβλάκι με πίτα Datsun Adidas και Χάνι της Γραβιάς